When I came to Earth the first time, I had all of the Creator's knowledge and powers, IE, to resurrect, heal with a touch, teleport (water replaced by wine & multiplication of bread and fish), telekinesis (walk on water) and infinitely more abilities.
Using the Creator's infinite knowledge, I taught people how to heal with the Creator's herbs (Indian Gold-turmeric, frankincense, and myrrh). I also taught them that we are not our bodies, and when they die, we leave all pain and suffering behind.
Most importantly, to get free from this Hell on Earth, I taught people that if they loved their neighbor as themselves (the Golden Rule), the Creator's infinite love in Heaven would await them when their bodies died.
I taught my select followers how to leave their bodies to escape mortal pain and, most importantly, After-Death Communication with their loved ones and the people who saw them die.
When it was time, I allowed my body to be tortured while I blocked its pain. All the time I was tortured, I talked to the people and continued loving everyone, even those who were torturing my body.
Finally, to end its hopeless suffering, I euthanized my body using the Creator's Infinite Love, and using my powers, I appeared to everyone present when my body died.
After my body's death, I spent 40 days with my loved ones and close followers who could see, touch, and telepathically communicate with me.
When I left and returned to Heaven, the want-to-be evil/loveless rulers of this world murdered my followers, suppressed my messages, and rewrote history to make me a God that had to be worshiped and prayed to. This was done to deceive the world and give the evil people power, control, and make money.
This is the final battle between Good and Evil.
Good beings, Creation's caretakers, stopped evil/loveless beings, their deceived followers, and slaves in Heaven.
EVERYONE IS IMMORTAL, so Creation's caretakers exiled the defeated beings onto the Earth.
The world is caught up in the Final Battle between Good and Evil.
Evil is winning the battle. But we will not abandon you! The loving universe is waiting to welcome you home!
We are evacuating the good beings, and when civilization collapses and all is Darkest, we will bring the rest of loving Humanity home, stop evil, and end Earth's suffering.